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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Barstool Progress

I think I've been talking about my Mom's barstools for almost three weeks  now.  I am working on them.. they're not just a figment of my imagination!  I'm still not done, but have made tons of progress on them.  Here is a poor picture of one at her house.

 This is a side by side I took after the first coat of paint.

I used my Purdy for the first coat, but honestly it just wasn't doing it for me.  So I switched to a cheap-o foam brush for the second coat.  For this project, it worked great!

I moved the studio inside since it has been so cool outside.  Unfortunately I wasn't done before the hubby got home, so he was a little upset.  Usually I finish before he gets home and I hide all the evidence! = )

Here they are the next morning with two coats on them.  Depending on the lighting, and the time of day they kind of change colors.

After they hubby left for work today I got started sanding.  Yuck.  First off, I should have just used one coat of paint.  It would have been so much easier to sand through.  Second off, I don't think I will ever do a project like this again.  I'd rather have a ginormous dresser with nice broad, flat surfaces!

My hands are unhappy. You can really only see one jagged nail here, but I have cracked nails and scratches all over my fingers.

I started on the top.

Then SLOWLY moved my way down.  It took me about three hours to sand them all.  Here they are so far.

They remind of this photo, which was kind of my inspiration.

Now all I have left to do is rub Mini-wax stain all over them and put on a coat of poly.  Once the stain is on the wood will pop more and the yellow will be more subtle.  Plus they'll look older and dirtier.  Just the way I like em.

Linking Here! 


  1. Love how the distressing gave them the perfect touch!

  2. It's surprising to me sometimes how often a cheap-o foam brush works better than my fancy-pants regular brush. Who woulda thought? The yellow looks great on them :)

  3. I LOVE them!!! It was worth all that sanding :)I am a HUGE fan of foam brushes and I never use anything else. I haven't had fingernails since college. I do too many projects for them to survive! Great job. I am going to feature these on Thursday!

  4. you did a fabulous job!!! they really truly look like the yellow paint is the original worm paint.

  5. Isn't it amazing what we manage to do while our husbands are at work?! Timing is everything. My husband is currently unemployed and it's putting a major cramp in my style! Karen@ Joy, Junk and Juxtaposition.

  6. beautiful job! love the yellow paint!

  7. Oh my gosh, I love them! The color and how you finished them are perfect!

  8. Great job. Like the pain color and distressing!

  9. They look great! I love the color and can't wait to see the finished product!

  10. What a great job, they turned out just "perfect", in a distressed kind of way :) My nails don't survive much around here either. My husband also has the same reaction, when I bring things inside. I am now a follower.

  11. love the distressing great job. beautiful color

  12. The stools are great. I have not gotten the distressing part down yet. I need more practice.

  13. I love the color and finish you did on these. I know all about the hands and nails. Mine are shot. Thanks for joining the party.

  14. Katie,
    They look amazing! Can't wait to see them with the stain! Some projects just seem to never end...I've been working on a dresser for probably 8 hours so far, and that was just to get the stinkin' paint off! I feel your pain!!

  15. I'm totally feeling the yellow. I'm your newest follower! I'd love for you to check out my blog!

  16. The stools look great. I love your color choice and distressing... really nice job!

  17. Hey, they look great!! All that hard work sanding was worth it!!

  18. Hey Katie! So glad you like my pantry! I giggled out loud when you said the OCDer in you liked my labels all facing out....I'm right there with ya! I have OCD to the extreme! lol :) I can't even put a stamp on a letter crooked or it drives me nutty! ;-)
    You're doing a fab job on your mom's barstools...they're looking great! :)
    Have a great day!

  19. Fabulous job! They look great!! Love the new color and they look perfectly aged!
    Thanks for linking up!

  20. Love, love, love them! They look sooo much like the inspiratin stool. You did a fantastic job! Love that color too!

  21. OH MY GOODNESS! Those barstools just told me they want to come and live at my house! Katie, you did an amazing job and they turned out just beautifully. The perfect amount of "chippy"-ness going on and that yellow tone is gorgeous. Thank you so much for coming over and joining the Inspiration Friday party this week and I hope to see much more of you in the future! :-)

  22. Yellow is my favorite and this turned out great!

    Btw, do you want to gain more blog followers? Then come on and join my "Swap Followings" Linky Party. This is an excellent opportunity for every blogger to meet other bloggers, follow them, and be followed in return. How does this work? Just simply "swap your following" which goes like this, "I follow your blog so please follow mine." The requirements are simply include the party button in your post, link up, then follow 2 or more blogs so they can follow you in return. When you decide to join, click and this will lead you to our party.

    Bring your best virtual smile, be prepared to meet great bloggers, and see you there! :)

  23. Looks great so far, can't wait to see the finished product!

  24. These are so pretty! I love the mustardy beautiful color- glazed yellow is a favorite finish of mine! You are doing a fantastic job - can't wait to see them all finished and their new home~ thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday this week! :)

  25. This looks so lovely. I look forward to you stopping by at My Dream Canvas:-)

  26. You did a great job on recreating these stools! Way to go!

  27. Gorgeous and I love your page!! What a great find of the night. I'm also your newest follower and would love to have you return the lub =D

  28. Your hand may have suffered but the bar stools look great! Thanks for linking up to tickled pink!

  29. Those chairs look fabulous! I love the yellow you chose for them, and the distressing looks so great. That is a skill I haven't quite acquired yet. :-)

  30. I'm a brand new follower from the Slumber Party and your chairs look great! I love love love the color :)

  31. Popping over from VWB. The chairs look great! Love your blog name, too! I totally say that all the time!

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