Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chevron Curtains, Lolly Jane Winner, and Opinion Needed!

Holy long title!  Can you tell I've got a lot to cram into one post?!

Let's start with the AMAZING giveaway I won a few weeks back from the sweet gals at Lolly Jane!

I think they are just the most adorable gals!  They are so sweet and creative! And twins!!

They host a linky party, Whatcha Got Weekend (WGW), each week and I'm always sure to link up!

Anywho, I won a credit to their shop and chose this adorable sign that reads "Life is short.  Enjoy the ride."

I love it in my office!  Thank you so much girls!

Next, I've been very busy this weekend!  Even with a nasty cold I was determined to get some work done on my office.  I was able to finish my chevron curtains inspired by A Drop In the Bucket.

I'm so excited with how they turned out!

I used a 6' x 9' dropcloth from Home Depot and it only cost $10.50.  I had the paint already.

They're not perfect - I didn't coat 100%, but I like them that way.

Right now they're very stiff, so I'm hoping over time they'll relax so they don't look so rigid.  Any pointers on how to soften them up?  I'm kind of scared to put them in the dryer.

I also made a curtain rod using leftover wood from my desk and a $3 dowel.

Please excuse the white adhesive peeking through - I'm trying to avoid putting too many nails in the wall.

These were inspired by curtain rods I saw in a West Elm magazine YEARS ago!

Details and tutorial coming soon!

Ok - if you're still with me, thanks!

I had a spur of the moment decorating idea for my office and I'm still debating.

I still haven't been able to sell my zebra end table, so on a whim I threw it up on my desk.

My thought is that it could serve as both a shelf, and extra storage.  Currently I've got my scrap fabric in the top drawer, and miscellaneous tid-bits in the bottom drawer.

So here is where I need your opinion - LOVE it, or HATE it?

**UPDATE - I decided I LOVE it, so I'm keeping it! I'd still love any input or ideas you have!**

Don't be mean to me please! Just let me know what you think.

Keep in mind that I'm not done decorating yet, so some things will change, like the visible sewing machine cords and some of the decor.  The two chairs I currently have will be gone as of tomorrow night and replaced with modern wood chairs!

One more view:

Ok, don't make me cry!

Domestically SpeakingPhotobucketmommahenscoopPhotobucket Transformation ThursdayHookingupwithHoHThe Shabby NestUndertheTableandDreaming36th Avenue


  1. pERSONALLY, i LOVE THE POP OF COLOR IN THE ROOM THAT THE TABLE PROVIDES(stupid caps lock). But Im not sure about it up there on top of the worktable????

  2. I like the table, and it looks like the color brightens up your space. It's hard to tell how big your table is. If the scale works, then I say go with it. Anything that adds extra storage is a good idea with me.

  3. those curtains are awesome- the room is so coming together! i love it! and i think the table adds some fun to the room- it looks great! i am surprised i like it there honestly, but i do.

  4. Love the curtains and love the room! I'm not so sure about the table on the desk...kind of just looks like furniture stacked on furniture. Though I do love the pop of color from the table, maybe it'd look better on the ground or with something stored underneath the 2 drawers so it looks like it's supposed to be there? Just a thought...either way, your room looks great!

  5. I'm SO not one to give direction on this kind of stuff so I'll simply say leave it there for now and see what happens. Listen to people's reaction as they enter the room since they can get the full picture of it in the room and we can't. Hope that helps!

  6. I'm SO not one to give direction on this kind of stuff so I'll simply say leave it there for now and see what happens. Listen to people's reaction as they enter the room since they can get the full picture of it in the room and we can't. Hope that helps!

  7. Okay. First. Why the heck do you care what our opinions are on the table??!!! If YOU like it and it is doing what you need it to do, for gosh sakes leave it!!! This is YOUR space to work in! I think the table is adorable.

    If it stays, I have an idea for you. Why not install a little light to the bottom of the piece that you can click on for a little light under it. Kinda like an under the counter light.

  8. First I have to say I LOVE the colors!
    Second...are you linked up at my party? Seriously cute...I'll take the end table, it'll fit right in at my house :) I kinda like it up there, adds alot of color pop. As long as it doesnt get in your way when you're working then it wont matter!

  9. Love the room! The turquoise makes half of it, I think :)) But I'n just kidding, I love them all!
    In order to soften up those fab curtains, you might try to bathe them in fabric softener (choose a baby-proof product - it is colorless, odorless and easier on the fabric threads).

  10. i like it but if you love it and it makes you happy thats all that matters
    curtains look great

  11. Katie you have sooo much workspace, that you can totally afford to put that cute little table up there. I especially love the look in the last photo. It does add a nice pop of color to the room. And I've told you before but I adore your chevron curtains. I'm excited to see the entire room finished!

  12. LOVE EVERYTHING!!!! WOW!!!! fabulous job -- LOVE LOVE LOVE the curtains!!!! sending hugs...

  13. Your drop cloth curtains are AWESOME and I LOVE that you put that little table on top of your desk! So unique :) Your room looks great!

  14. Love it! Love the color scheme too! What a great room :)

  15. I can't remember what I found that brought me here but oh am I glad it did! I can't stop reading on to see all the stuff you've created!!! Come decorate my house???? I love it all!! especially the chevron! Well, no just everything! You are super crafty & I'm so excited to be a new follower!!! :)

    Nicole Rene

  16. Love the look of the curtains, I'm always a fan of chevron.

  17. Love your curtains! I'm totally inspired to try this on a future project. I would love to have you share this at my party...going on now!

  18. Your office is looking amazing! I'm kind of glad you couldn't sell your zebra table because it looks good as extra shelving/storage. OK - your curtains...ah-maz-ing! My sister asked me if I would paint some chevron curtains for her and I said it would be too hard, but you pulled them off beautifully! I just painted striped curtains and I've heard the stiffness goes away with time.

  19. The curtains are fantastic! I'm planning a drop-cloth curtain project soon myself, and I'm a bit worried about the stiffness factor too. Let me know how yours "shake out." (ha!)

    Would LOVE it if you'd link this up to my Feature Friday FREE-FOR-ALL party which is live right now!

    P.S. I looooove my pillow covers. Even cuter in person! :)


  20. The curtans turned out great! And I love the table on the desk. It's a great pop of color, functional and you have enough room for it, so why not! You are creating a great space!

  21. I love them!! I don't know how to soften them up though...hmmm...sorry!

    Can't wait to see the whole reveal!!

  22. Your creative space is coming together great! Those curtains just POP! And I love them! I featured them on this week's Terrific Under Ten Tuesday!

  23. I LOVE this!!! My party just started...I would LOVE to have you stop by and share your projects!!! XO Aimee

  24. Guess what Katie? You're being featured at my party!

  25. the room. The gold letters, the paint color, the pop of blue, the curtains......everything.

  26. If you do not want to wash, put dryer on low or air only, add tennis balls. Tumble for 30 minutes. If that's not enough for you keep adding time. They will soften and hand better.


I love all your sweet comments! If you don't hear back from me, make sure your no-reply setting is disabled! I always write back!