Sunday, February 9, 2014

I'm So Crafty I Make Babies... Gender Reveal Card

Surprise!  The hubby and I are expecting our first little one this June!

I'm just a little over 21 weeks and time is flying by!  I just know this little one is going to be here before we know it, ready or not!

January 28th was our big ultrasound and we got to meet the little one for the second time.

At our first introduction Baby Harris looked like little more than a peanut!

So naturally we were beyond excited for the 20 weeks ultrasound - first to see our little peanut and see how much he/she had grown, and second to find out the gender!

To say I have spent hours on the internet scouring ideas for our gender reveal would be an understatement.  I loved all the different ideas I saw.  I thought I had decided on a gender reveal card when the Hubby and I came across some cute little sock monkeys at Francesca's.  Sold!  Now I had to decided how to construct the card!

I found an adorable gender reveal card at Our Homegrown Spud.  Be sure to check her's out!

I started by taking the pictures for the card.  Our appointment was on a Tuesday afternoon and we would be in a mad dash afterwards to visit all our family, so I prepped everything the weekend before.  So yes, I had a card ready to go whether we had a boy or a girl! What can I say, I'm a planner! :)

First we used the sock monkeys for the front of the card.  Believe it or not, the idea was actually the Hubby's.  I just made the idea a reality.

For the front I opted out of drawing on the wall with chalk.  I simply took the photo then edited in the words on picmonkey.

To make the card I bought kraft paper colored cardstock from Hobby Lobby and cut it 7" x 10".  I folded it in half to make the final card 5" high by 7" wide.  I used one of those paper cutting things to round the corners of the card and all the photos.

I then used double sided scrapbooking tape to adhere the photo to the front of the card.

For the inside of the card I browsed the envelope aisle at Hobby Lobby.  I had a lot of different ideas, but ultimately both the Hubby and I decided on this cute envelope.  Again, I used double sided sticky tape to adhere it to the inside.  I would only recommend using this if you're not concerned about the longevity of the card.  If you want it to hold up for a long time I would recommend something more permanent like an adherent glue.

Last was the most important part! The gender reveal!

I used chalk to draw Baby Harris's name on the wall - it was pretty large scale.  Then the Hubby and I wore coordinating colored shirts and held the appropriately colored sock monkey.  What no one knows if that outside of the perfectly manicured photo, we were both unshowered, in sweat pants, and sporting some pretty intense bedhead.  But you would never know!!

So, what is our little monkey?!

Oh Lordy! We're having a girl!  Honestly, it's not a big surprise.  My family makes girls.  That's just what we do!

I printed all the photos using the one-hour photo at Wal-Mart.

Our gender reveal wasn't a big production, but it was fun to watch our family eagerly open the envelope to see if it was a boy or a girl.  I'm very pleased with how they turned out, and we absolutely cannot wait to meet our sweet little Abbi!

Her crib is being delivered Monday and I can not wait to get started on her nursery!!



  1. Congratulations! Your card is very clever.

  2. oooooh congrats! i am so so happy for you!!!!!!!!! YAY!

  3. Oh yay, that's awesome news Katie! I'm so excited for you!!!

  4. Congrats are the bundle of joy! That's great news!

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