Sunday, March 10, 2013

CREATE - Inspired Art!

I am FINALLY done with my inspired art!!  I mentioned a few weeks ago that I have been dying to do my own version of this design that I saw on The Pleated Poppy.  After I finished my neutral wreath last weekend I finally sat down to paint.
I used two pieces of wood just like my thread holder and pushed them together.  I used metal brackets on the back to hold the two pieces together.  You could just as easily buy a sheet of plywood and have it cut to size (this would probably be cheaper) but I just used what I had lying around!Eventually this will be hanging above our bed in the bedroom.
My project differs from the original in that I painted on wood instead of canvas.  I'm just a sucker for warm wood tones and bright pops of color!
This beast took FOREVER to complete - partly due to my ADHD and my general slowness.  Totally worth the end product though!
Progress shots taken with my iPhone:
And now, feast your eyes on some eye candy, cause there's a TON!

Side note: These adorable ceramic egg crates are at World Market for only $4.99!!


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Sunday, March 3, 2013

A New Wreath!

It's about that time for a new wreath!  As much as I enjoyed my winter wreath I was getting tired of it.  I originally wanted to make a wreath with a light background and tons of bright accents, but this is what I had in my craft stash so it's what I ended up with!
I wrapped one small section with a cream colored yarn then went over it again with a tan yard to add contrast.  The rest is wrapped in strips of muslin (I think that's what it is).
I added a very simple embelishment of burlap, topped with a yo-yo flower and one of my DIY wood buttons.
I liked the "Cheers" portion of my winter wreath so I added a similar banner by folding fabric over burlap.  I used my mini stamp letters to stamp on the word "Cheers."
I was feeling crafty this weekend and also started on the inspired canvas I saw on The Pleated Poppy.  I hope to have it finished by next weekend!