Monday, May 21, 2012

Time For A Blogging Break!

Yep, it's about time for me to take a blogging break.

I graduate from PA school this August and it's time to crack down on studying.  We have a lot of exams we have to take in about five weeks and I've got a long way to go.  I would much rather be hanging out here and checking out everyone's projects, but I've got to be a good student!

There are a few events that I've already signed up for, so I'll be popping in every now and then for those, but for the most part I'll be absent for a few months.  Once I'm all finished with school I'll be back.

If I have time I'll try to pop in and say hi - I'll still be looking at all your awesome projects when I have a chance!

I hope you all enjoy your summer!

See you in a few months!


  1. Be a good student!! We'll be here waiting for you when you get back! Good luck!

  2. best of luck, katie! thinking of you!

  3. Good luck with everything Katie!!! We'll still be here supporting you from the sidelines (and watching your bloggy olympics!). See ya when you get back!

  4. Best of luck to you with all the studying and then the exams!

  5. I'll be here when you return, and in your honor I will use the word Craptastic every chance I get!


  6. Good luck and see you when you get back!

  7. Still going to be thrilled when you come back. Kick some butt this summer C:

  8. good luck Katie, try to stop and smell the roses!

  9. good luck Katie! i'll definitely miss your blogging, but i know you'll do great! Take care.. and see you soon. :)

  10. You're doing it right. Study should always come first. My friend did not put her studies in the first place and after a certain period of time she completely forgot how to do something, she even forgot how to write essays, so she bought them from the CheetahPapers com affordable writing service, I believe that you need to practice and learn something new all the time.


I love all your sweet comments! If you don't hear back from me, make sure your no-reply setting is disabled! I always write back!