Saturday, April 2, 2011

Color My World!

Ok, so I can't really get those super cool professional shots with my archaic Sony cybershot, but my plants are blooming and I am ecstatic!!  It was finally warm enough this morning to have coffee on the back porch with the hubby!

After walking around the yard to inspect our plants we noticed they are all starting to bloom in full force!

My sweet little azalea finally opened up this morning!  We've had it for almost two weeks and it has had red buds since then.  I thought it would have opened up much sooner... it was a happy surprise this morning!!

It's got a lot of new growth too!  All the bright green leaves have grown since I planted it!

This is my favorite pot of flowers!  It sits at the top of our driveway by the garage... I peek at it every morning when I'm leaving for school!  I love how bright it is!

These little flowers were doing terrible for awhile.  Its very windy in our front yard, but they look great now!

Even the azaleas in the front are starting to fill out and become more green!



  1. Your flowers are so pretty! No real flowers for me for another month, but I'm potting some pansies next weekend!

  2. Oh I'm so jealous! Not only are your flowers beautiful, but it is actually warm enough for them to grow! ( we are still waiting for that around here, lol )


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