Monday, January 10, 2011

Bedside Tables Part 2

They're done!  I don't have fabulous pictures right now.  It snowed last night and the lighting outside is just dark and dreary!

After the primer dried I sanded the tables down real smooth.  Again, due to the gold color I had to use spray paint, so I would apply a coat, wait about 30 minutes, and apply another coat.  Here they are ready for a good glaze.

I used a cheap sponge brush to apply the glaze.  That works better for me than using a normal paint brush.  I don't put on globs of glaze, just enough so you can see it.

I normally use left over vegatable cans, but I didn't have any of those, so I  mixed my glaze in a cheap-o mixing bowl.  I use about 2/3 Valspar clear mixing glaze and 1/3 Valspar antique glaze.

I started with the legs, then moved to the top.  I glazed the entire piece at once.  After I had glazed the whole piece I started back at the legs again wiping the glaze off.

I used MiniWax wipe-on poly over the entire piece.  It was my first time using it and I have to say, I love it!  So much nicer than using a brush to apply it.  It goes on so smooth!

Now I'm just waiting for it to dry!  Tomorrow I'm going to take it over to the SIL's and see if I can get some photos of it with her decor! Hopefully the light will cooperate for me!


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