Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pink Piggy Cupcakes!

Well, I finally got my new background figured out! I really didn't mean to change it in the first place, but oh well! I'm happy now because I have an adorable little birdie to look at! =)

I had so much fun making my monkey cupcakes I couldn't wait to try a new batch! One of my friends demanded suggested that I try piggies - so I did! They were easier to make than the monkeys and I love them more - strawberry on strawberry is one of my faves! But only the boxed strawberry mix - we can't be having any of that fruit mess healthing up my sweets!

After you mix your cupcakes and get them started baking bust out your big pink marshmallows! I got mine at Kroger.

Cut the marshmallow in half.  Lay one half on your wax paper to use as the nose.  Take the other half and cut it in half again to make the ears. 

You'll notice as you do this that the outer part of the marshmallow is powdery and the cut side is sticky.  To make the ears look more like ears pinch them together at the corner, sticky sides together.

Now decorate your nose! I initially started making the nostrils with my black icing.  It really didn't look good and the icing was bleeding in the marshmallow, so I switched to upside down chocolate morsels!

After I let the cupcakes cool I put on the frosting using the "professional" technique! Hahaha! Not so much.  I tried though.  I just scooped all my icing into a quart size bag and cut off the tip.  It may not look professional, but it sure made it easier to ice these babies!

Here they are with the ears and nose stuck on.

I used the icing to dot on the eyes.  If I make these again I think I'll use mini chocolate morsels for the eyes.

YUMMY! Cute and delicious!

I carried them with me to a school cookout - I got tons of compliments! Definately gonna make these little cuties again!


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