Sunday, January 30, 2011


Pookie would be cookie pie! Mmm!  I found the recipe on A Whisk and A Prayer's  blog and I wanted to make it immediately.  I'll let you refer to her blog for the recipe. Check out the rest of her stuff too.  It all looks scrumptious!

Here is all the stuff I used to make mine:

Glass of Moscato is optional!

Here is the crust all patted down in the pan.  I was a little hesitant about mixing the ingredients directly in the pan.  I was also concerned about the ingredients sticking to the bottom.  Don't worry about either.  It all turned out fine.

Here is the part where you can get creative.  I used white chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, butterscotch and walnuts.  Rather than putting in one cup of two ingredients, I put in 1/2 cup of four ingredients.

Here it is all mixed up and then poured on top of the crust.

After cleaning up my mess...

I spent the next 40 minutes studying this...

And then I was ready for this:

Before I flipped it upside down I went around the edges with a spatula because as you can see, it was pretty sticky.  Mine had a crazy pattern underneath.

And now I'm ready to sample!

I would recommend using a real pie dish.  I don't own one (GASP!) so I had to use a 9x13 dish and it was a little more thin than I wanted.  I also opted not to drizzle melted white chocolate on it because I am chocolate-melting-challenged. 

E-mail me ( a picture of yours if you decide to make it!! I want to see all the creative pookies!  If I get enough I'll put them all in a post closer to V-day!

I'm being slammed with exams at school for the next two weeks, so my furniture/craft projects are on the backburner.  But I'll be back soon with all kinds of fun stuff!


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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Barstool Progress

I think I've been talking about my Mom's barstools for almost three weeks  now.  I am working on them.. they're not just a figment of my imagination!  I'm still not done, but have made tons of progress on them.  Here is a poor picture of one at her house.

 This is a side by side I took after the first coat of paint.

I used my Purdy for the first coat, but honestly it just wasn't doing it for me.  So I switched to a cheap-o foam brush for the second coat.  For this project, it worked great!

I moved the studio inside since it has been so cool outside.  Unfortunately I wasn't done before the hubby got home, so he was a little upset.  Usually I finish before he gets home and I hide all the evidence! = )

Here they are the next morning with two coats on them.  Depending on the lighting, and the time of day they kind of change colors.

After they hubby left for work today I got started sanding.  Yuck.  First off, I should have just used one coat of paint.  It would have been so much easier to sand through.  Second off, I don't think I will ever do a project like this again.  I'd rather have a ginormous dresser with nice broad, flat surfaces!

My hands are unhappy. You can really only see one jagged nail here, but I have cracked nails and scratches all over my fingers.

I started on the top.

Then SLOWLY moved my way down.  It took me about three hours to sand them all.  Here they are so far.

They remind of this photo, which was kind of my inspiration.

Now all I have left to do is rub Mini-wax stain all over them and put on a coat of poly.  Once the stain is on the wood will pop more and the yellow will be more subtle.  Plus they'll look older and dirtier.  Just the way I like em.

Linking Here! 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Not So Extreme Makeover.. Home Edition!

Rather than doing the 5000 things I actually need to do, I spent my afternoon in Columbia, Tennessee.  I don't know what it is about that area, but they have antique stores galore.

This little beauty is what initially drew me there.

It is a really old Coca-Cola bottle crate.  I'm thinking about cutting the dividers out, lining it and using it as a planter!  I want to put some plants in it that have real shallow roots and don't require tons of water or sun.  The area on my table I want it to sit at does not get a ton of direct sun light, so my previous sun-loving plant died.

While I was browsing the freezing cold, dimly lit store, I stumbled upon this chair.  Literally.  I tripped over some rusted metal on the floor.  I'm kinda a clutz.

It was only 5 bucks, so I figured why not.  It was dirty, chippy, and cheap.  Its really not so grey-blue looking, but I don't have one of those fancy cameras and the lighting is not the best in my house at night.

Currently, I'm using it to fill the empty space in my living room. You can kind of see the space up here.

So I climbed up the ladder:

Then back down the ladder:

About 1000 times.  Good thing I didn't fall.  Nobody was home but me.  I probably would have sat on the floor crying for 4 hours until the hubby got home from work.
So here's the chair all by it's lonesome.

It didn't tilt forward enough, so I rigged it with books.  You can't see this unless you're on a ladder or 8 feet tall.  I don't have any 8 foot tall friends, so I'm good.

I decided to add my Grandpa's and Dad's old Epiphone guitar that was currently in the corner of the living room.

I tried it like this:

Then this:

Then settled on this:

I threw my yardsale lantern in too.

I doubt I will keep it like this, cause I don't love it.  And I'm incredibly compulsive.  What I would REALLY like to do is put an old, tattered window up on that bare wall.  Then add something else.  Who knows what.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Little Tease!

Check out my latest Craigslist score!

My mind is seeping ideas right now!

And the best part?

It was only $10!!  $10!!

This may be the epic Craigslist find of the year.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Awesome Giveaway!

***This giveaway is now closed***

Hey folks!

I'm sure many of you know Gina over at The Shabby Chic Cottage!


What is it you ask?

Oh, only a BRAND NEW silhouette machine and some accessories!!  You know, over $300 of free stuff!


Go check her out!

Shabby Chic Cottage Silhouette Giveaway

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pom Pom-a-licious!

You remember HERE when I asked you to guess what I was up to with my little flowers?  I was making necklaces and headbands! 

I was looking through blogs last night and I came across LITTLE MISS MOMMA.  Umm, yeah. I had to make these.  Like yesterday.  I followed THIS tutorial and it was so easy!!!  I had some fabric left over from where I made some pillows, so I started with that.  I didn't have anything to use as a necklace so I rann up to Joann's Fabric today!  I made some necklaces and two headbands!

Total cost?  Less than $12!! I still have piles of the little circles used to make the pom pom flowers, two necklaces, and one headband.  The headband alone would have cost me $12!!! 

You hear that?  That's money piling up in my piggy bank!!


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